Our DS Active football sessions provide opportunities for participants with Down Syndrome.
"We got to meet Parents/Carers of people James’ age who also love football and share fun times together. It has brought us as a family closer by introducing us to a shared hobby."
Our DS Active session runs under our Football Development Programme and aims to provide players with Down Syndrome with an engaging and fun environment in which they can develop on their football journey. The session is for players aged 16+ and runs on a weekly basis including opportunities to represent Lincoln City in fixtures.
The session will follow our set Football Development syllabus which aims to introduce players to the Lincoln City way of play. The sessions run following the syllabus which includes weekly topics and has a holistic approach to individual player development. The sessions also focus on the use of small-sided games to in cooperate the topics and also allows players to prepare for fixtures.
Our games programme aims to provide regular fixtures against other DS Active teams, alongside representing us in the DS Active National League/Cup which is a nationally recognised competition.
Monthly payments of £22 a month until (and including) August 2024
(12 months payment plan for full season).
A one-off £11 administration fee will be charged upon registration.

Training with DS Active has enabled us to meet Parents/Carers of people James’ age who also love football and share fun times together; and brought us as a family closer by introducing us to a shared hobby.
James has learnt to play lots of new sports and has gone from being barely able to kick a ball to being a pretty good goal keeper and striker.
During his time at the Foundation James has made new friends, attended tournaments, and got to visit other clubs (Arsenal, Man City, Northampton, QPR, Doncaster, Swindon, and more). He has joined the Special Olympics, attending National Tournaments ; and most importantly for james, won lots of medals and trophies!
Since joining Foundation Family James has been given a chance to volunteer as a football coach at the Holiday Clubs, following a successful Fa Level One coaching course. He has also joined the Foundation as a volunteer providing fun experience for children on home match days. As a family, we have become very active within the football Club and Foundation, and are now season ticket holders watching almost every home match plus the occasional away game as a family. We’ve never had a family hobby before.
Claire, DS Active Parent
I like the DS Active Football because it's fun. I like playing in a team and scoring goals. Our coach has made me a better footballer. I can pass the ball better, move into space and I now talk more on the pitch. I like playing other teams the most. This makes me very happy. I get very excited! My family are very proud of me especially when I score goals and when we get into a final. I have lots of cups and medals in my bedroom
Tom, DS Active Player
As a parent I am so grateful to the Foundation. We have had fantastic support both on and off the pitch since we set up back in 2013. With this support we have managed to enrich so many peoples lives. I think as you can see from Tom's comments above how much it means to him. Individually and collectively we have made some wonderful memories. Long may it continue
Alan, DS Active Parent